When I did study abroad in Ecuador in 2009 we were warned that thieves in Quito had been know to spray mustard (or another staining substance) on the back on a tourists pants. The same thief, or an accomplice, would then come up to you and point out the mustard and tell you that they knew of a place where you could clean it off. If you went with them, they would get you away from other people and then rob you.
Once in 2009 I was walking through the Historic Center in Quito with a friend. That day in particular I was especially nervous since I had my laptop in my backpack, something I rarely took out of the house. A man came up behind me and tapped me on the shoulder. He pointed at the back of my pants. I looked and saw mustard down my right pant leg. He told me he knew of a place where I could clean my pants. I started to follow him out of instinct, but then I remembered the warning we had all been given about this exact situation. I turned around and walked away in the other direction with my friend.
Fast forward to 2012...
I arrived in Quito with a friend this morning (we took a night bus last night) and after dropping our stuff off at a hostal I took off to walk around the city (my friend had to stay at the hostal and do some work). I don't know what it is, but I just love walking down the narrow streets of the old town, seeing the different churches and squares. 12:30 rolled around and I started to make my way over to an indoor food market to meet a friend, who lives in Quito, for lunch.
I wasn't entirely sure where I was going so I would walk a couple of blocks and then check the map in the Lonely Planet. That's how I ended up at a random street corner about 8 blocks from the heart of the Old Town. I was looking down at the map when a guy to my left caught my eye.
"You want to go that way," he said while he pointed towards the center of the Old Town.
I ignored him and started to turn my attention back to... SPLAT.
A brown substance was all over my shirt.
'How do I have dulce de leche (think caramel) on my shirt...' I thought.
Another man came up to me. He pointed to the balcony above me and said, "You need to move."
I just stood there in shock, trying to figure out what had just happened. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, but what was really only a second or two, my brain started to work again.
'There is no way this came from the balcony. I need to get out of here'
I turned to my left and walked through a door and into a shop.. That's when the smell hit me. Whatever was on my shirt smelled horrible. I mean, terrible.
I asked the gentleman in the shop if I could use the bathroom. He warned me that the people outside were trying to rob me and then kindly pointed me in the direction of the bathroom.
As I walked into the bathroom, the truth finally dawned on me. It wasn't mustard this time. It wasn't ducle de leche. I was feces (pretty sure it came from a human too). I was furious.
'Rob me. Push me. Punch me. But this?!?' I didn't want to believe it.
Luckily I had another shirt in my backpack. And the thieves didn't get anything of mine. But, it had gotten on my shirt, pants, shoes, backpack and guide book.
T-shirt went in the trash. Pants and backpack got a good scrub with detergent at the hotel. Shoes.. We'll it's just a spot. And I haven't looked at the guidebook yet. I just put it under the bed telling myself I'd deal with it later.
No pictures this time... You don't want picture of this. I was trying to figure out why I got so hungry around 5 pm. And then I realized.. the smell had killed my appetite at lunch. I had tried to eat, but couldn't.
When I finally left the store bathroom and stepped onto the street I swore loud enough to startle a man 5 or so feet away. You should all know me well enough to know that it takes a lot to get me to that point.
Woah, so sorry you had to experience that, Mike! Stay safe!